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The survey takes employees just 10 minutes to complete online and has 90 standardized questions for benchmarking, 4 profile questions, 3 internal informational questions, and one open-ended comment question.
The actual questions were developed based on job satisfaction research of employees who were asked to provide descriptions of their job experiences.

Job Descriptive Index (JDI)
The JDI asks 72 standardized job satisfaction survey questions and generates scores indicative of job satisfaction within the following key facets of the work environment: work, pay, promotions, supervision, and people (co-workers). Three of the facet sets have 18 questions, and two of the facet sets have 9 questions. The final list of questions for each facet was selected based on its ability to clearly separate high and low scorers, its high correlation to other questions within that facet, and the clarity of its meaning. Measures of job strengths and weaknesses within each facet tell practitioners where improvements can be made. The job satisfaction survey questions are designed in an easy-to-answer format that is easily understood by all levels of employees.

Job in General Scale (JIG)
The JDI is supplemented by the JIG which was developed in the early 1990's to provide an overall evaluation of how employees feel about their jobs. It is more global, more evaluative, and uses a longer time perspective than the JDI. As a result, it has been found to consistently correlate more highly with such global measures as intention to leave, life satisfaction, identification with the work organization, and trust in management. The JIG asks 18 questions which can be answered in just a few minutes. The JIG questions are included with the JDI so that employers can gauge both overall employee satisfactions as well as job satisfaction within different facets of the work environment.

Additional Questions
Our questionnaire also includes four standardized sub-group questions that are used to construct comparisons based on education, managerial status, age, and job level, and one general open-ended comment question (“Do you have any suggestions or comments concerning your job satisfaction?”). Also included are questions on gender, type of organization, and tenure used for internal research purposes only.
"[The study] was an enormous success from management's perspective. The services offer invaluable tools to let upper management within any organization get a feel for the true pulse and heartbeat of its life blood, which of course is its employees."
"The nationwide benchmarking lent a great deal to the context and validity of responses. We recommend Amplitude Research for price, user-ability, service and reporting."
"We were very impressed with the survey process and were impressed with the high number of employees that completed the survey, which indicates that it was employee user friendly."
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