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Do you offer anonymous methods of data collection?
Yes. We only offer anonymous data collection. This can result in more candid feedback and higher response rates.


How do you calculate the norm score?
Computation of the norm score is a multi-step process requiring various adjustments including adjustment of values for each response, summation of adjusted values for each respondent, conversion of each respondent's total values to a norm score using the applicable benchmarking table, and determination of the median norm score among all respondents.


Can I customize the survey invitation?
No. The content of all email invitations including subject line is the same for all users to provide consistent results for benchmarking purposes.


How long is the field period?
We keep the employee survey questions open for 10 business days. Reminder notices are sent out five calendar days after launch of the survey or the following Monday if the reminder date is a weekend.


How do I use the results to improve job satisfaction?
The scorecard of results from our employee satisfaction surveys pinpoint those facets in which an organization needs improvement. Use of custom sub-groups can provide further breakdowns by specific locations or other categories. Follow-up interventions can be targeted at under-performing areas, with subsequent survey administrations helping to identify if the interventions were effective.


Is there a minimum of survey participants?
Yes. Our scoring system is not recommended for organizations with less than 10 employees. Also, to protect the anonymity of respondents, if a given facet of the JDI, the JIG, or a sub-group has less than three respondents, the results for that segment will not be reported.


Can I add text fields?
Yes. One open-ended comment question is automatically included with all surveys. Additional open-ends can be added for a small fee.


What forms of payment do you accept?
We accept corporate checks, wire transfers, and all major credit cards: American Express, Discover, Visa, and Mastercard. Credit card payment is made at our online payment center. There is a $45 fee for payment by credit card.


What is the order of questions on the survey?
The following question order applies to all surveys:
  • JDI questions (72)
  • JIG questions (18)
  • Open-ended question (1)
  • Sub-group questions (4)
  • Internal information questions (3)

Can I obtain the raw data?
No. To protect the anonymity of respondents we do not provide actual data files. However, open-ended comments are reported "as is".


Are respondents required to answer all questions?
Yes (except for internal information questions). One of the advantages of using an online survey is that respondents can be required to answer all questions on the survey instead of selectively answering questions.


What can I expect the response rate to be?
The unweighted average response rate is 58.77%. This is for both paper and pencil and Internet, and encompasses a wide range of data collection methods and participants. The lowest reported response rate is 28.07% and the highest is 97.93% with a large standard deviation. Organizations can influence the response rate by providing advance announcements of the upcoming survey and making sure that all employees have Internet access.


Why do you use 3-point scales instead of 5-point scales with the JDI and JIG?
BGSU has conducted numerous studies and reviewed studies by other researchers concerning the number of scale response options. Overall, there is no significant improvement in scale reliability or accuracy if the number of response options is increased. Furthermore, the use of fewer response options makes it easier for individuals with more limited reading abilities to complete the JDI and JIG. The 3-point response scale for the JDI and JIG is easy to use and provides useful data for interpreting employee job satisfaction.


Can I compare the results among sub-groups unique to my company?
Yes. Four sub-group breakdowns, with separate norms, are automatically included with each survey: Job Level, Manager Status, Age, and Education. For an additional fee, the sub-groups can expanded to include plant location, pay structure, years of service, etc. Sub-group categories (such as a plant location) with less than three respondents are not reported to preserve respondent anonymity.


How are survey invitations distributed?
Invites are sent out using our email distribution system. Each email includes a unique login and login instructions. The subject line is "[Your Company Name} Job Satisfaction Survey". The sender email address is "".


How long does it take to answer the JDI/JIG employee survey questions?
The entire survey can be answered in about ten minutes or less.


Can I review the survey prior to launch?
Yes. Upon receipt of the signed agreement and payment amount, we will email you a PDF version of the survey instrument along with the content of the email invitation.


Do you provide technical support during the survey?
Yes. Email invitations include instructions on how to contact our technical support center. Participant support is provided via email. Client support at our Help Desk is available via email or phone.


How do I provide you with email addresses of survey participants?
Upon receipt of the signed agreement and payment, we will provide a link for secure transfer of the list of email addresses. Simply upload the list in Excel format with email addresses in a single column.


How can we make sure that all emails are delivered?
Please be sure that your corporate IT department "whitelists" the domain during the survey field period (


Do you use the survey data to update the scoring indexes?
Yes. Survey data is reviewed and used for ongoing updates of the employee survey questions and scoring indexes. The most recent update occurred in early 2009.


Who uses the JDI and JIG?
Since the introduction of the JDI in 1969 and the JIG in 1992, more than 1,000 organizations in both the private and public sector in virtually every type of industry have used the scoring indexes. Users range in size from smaller organizations to Fortune 50 companies. An organization should have 10 or more employees for the results to be meaningful.

"[The study] was an enormous success from management's perspective. The services offer invaluable tools to let upper management within any organization get a feel for the true pulse and heartbeat of its life blood, which of course is its employees."
"The nationwide benchmarking lent a great deal to the context and validity of responses. We recommend Amplitude Research for price, user-ability, service and reporting."
"We were very impressed with the survey process and were impressed with the high number of employees that completed the survey, which indicates that it was employee user friendly."
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